Embracing Compassion and Ukrainian Culture: The Parish Trust’s “Ukraine Night”
In a world that often feels divided, it’s heartwarming to witness communities coming together to extend a helping hand to those in need. On August
All of us have watched in horror as the war in Ukraine has been waged. As The Parish Trust, we want to make it absolutely clear to Ukrainians that they have our hearts and our prayers at this time.
But the thoughts of our hearts and the prayers of our lips must be backed up in visible action.
Whilst we cannot fight with weaponry of a military nature, we as a charity can fight with the weapons of love and peace. We are aware that this conflict may well be long and drawn out, and so we are committed to playing our small part in alleviating some of the many needs that you will have as a result of this crime against humanity.
This page serves to keep our stakeholders, and you, our Ukrainian friends, updated with regards to what we can practically provide as the war on democracy and peace wages on.
Please be assured at all times of our support for you.
Ми всі з жахом спостерігали, як в Україні йде війна. Як The Parish Trust, ми хочемо дати зрозуміти українцям, що в цей час вони мають наші серця і наші молитви.
Але думки нашого серця і молитви наших уст мають бути підкріплені видимою дією.
Хоча ми не можемо воювати зброєю військового характеру, ми, як благодійна організація, можемо воювати зброєю любові та миру. Ми усвідомлюємо, що цей конфлікт може бути тривалим, і тому ми прагнемо зіграти свою невелику роль у полегшенні деяких із багатьох потреб, які ви матимете в результаті цього злочину проти людства.
Ця сторінка служить для того, щоб наші зацікавлені сторони та ви, наші українські друзі, знали, що ми можемо дати, оскільки війна з демократією та миром триває.
Будьте впевнені в нашій підтримці для вас.
Collections of tangible goods have been paused until further notice.
There are many charities that will take financial donations to support the humanitarian effort in Ukraine. Here is a list of some of them:
We have verified and checked the above list to ensure that they are genuine organisations that you can entrust your financial contributions to.
We will continue to add to this list as time goes on.
As a Christian based organisation, we believe that coming together and praying for the world is important. That’s why we’ve set up a “Pray for Ukraine” display at the front of our building for people to reflect, think, and pray for the people of Ukraine.
Simply come to our prayer railing, take a ribbon, and tie one to the railing to show that you’ve thought of or prayed for the people of Ukraine.
During March 2022, the UK Government and the Welsh Parliament announced various schemes to enable Ukrainian Refugees the option of staying in the UK for up to three years.
The Parish Trust is offering the following immediate support for any refugees living in the CF83 area:
In the first instance, please contact us directly in order to access these services.
We will also be providing opportunities, depending on need, for Ukrainians to come together to socialise.
We will also be looking to provide emotional and pastoral support due to the acute needs that Ukrainians may present having experienced significant trauma.
In a world that often feels divided, it’s heartwarming to witness communities coming together to extend a helping hand to those in need. On August
We are thrilled to announce that Caffi Caredig, the converted horse trailer that brings you ethically sourced coffee, tea, and food while reducing waste, will
In the last few days, both the UK and Welsh Governments have published more information on the provision that will be offered to Ukrainian refugees.
On Friday 4th March 2022, I met with Wayne David MP for Caerphilly, Hefin David MS and his office, and Cllr. Liz Aldworth (County Councillor
The Parish Trust is aware that there are many organisations collecting items and money for Ukrainians as part of the humanitarian response to the war
The Parish Trust wishes to express its support for and solidarity with the people of Ukraine as they come to terms with the outbreak of
The Parish Trust is a Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in England and Wales (no. 1186996)
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