Grief Observed Readers’ Edition, A


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In April 1956, C.S. Lewis, a confirmed bachelor, married Joy Davidman, an American poet with two small children. After four brief, intensely happy years, Davidman died of cancer and Lewis found himself alone again, and inconsolable. To defend himself against the loss of belief in God, Lewis wrote this journal, an eloquent statement of rediscovered faith. In it he freely confesses his doubts, his rage, and his awareness of human frailty. In it he finds again the way back to life. Now a modern classic, A Grief Observed has offered solace and insight to countless readers worldwide. This expanded edition will include the original text of A Grief Observed as well as new and specially commissioned responses to the book and its themes from respected contemporary writers and thinkers. Confirmed contributors so far include: Hilary Mantel, Rowan Williams, Francis Spufford, Jenna Bailey and Douglas Gresham, with more to come.


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