We are pleased to publish our latest impact report for the charity. We like to keep the General Public informed of our activity so they can see how their donations and time assist us in our charitable aims and objectives.

The CARE Project

The CARE Project saw a very slight increase in requests last month, with more referrals being taken. Bag a Bargain has been busy with more people using the service. Although this is open to everyone regardless of their circumstances, we tend to find that for some, this is the first step towards requesting a food parcel as their financial position gets harder to manage.

  • Parcels Sent out – 150
  • People fed – 397
  • Referrals Received – 18

Other Events/Courses

Our portfolio of events, courses, and clubs through CAM has continued to grow, showing an increase in reach and participation over the last month.

  • Courses/Sessions held – 32
  • People attending events – 437
  • Bags of Litter Collected through Talk n Tidy – 13
  • Yarny Army Knitted Items that have been donated – 318


Our work could not happen without the dedicated crowd of volunteers that make up The Parish Trust Volunteering Family. Volunteering seriously ramped up last month, with an increase of 27% in hours given (last month 585 hours were given to volunteering). Last month, we had a sort out of volunteers who have been inactive with us for a long time, who we have “archived”, which has skewed our statistics. Therefore, it appears that we have “lost” a lot of volunteers. However, we have a good core team, and we are working hard at attracting new volunteers to the charity. Perhaps you’re someone who could join the team? This page has everything you need to know…

  • Volunteer Hours Given – 745
  • New Volunteers – 14
  • Regular Volunteers (volunteering at least once a month) – 66

New Developments

Our first ever Games Club on 1st March. NET (Nurture Equip & Thrive) came down to Tommy’s Tots to help people with getting back into, or progressing in, employment. Our first ever Community Lunch Club for the general pubic took place on 24th March. We started our Employment Support Hub in coordination with Caerphilly County Borough Council and Communities for Work Plus on 24th, which will happen each week. We partnered with Gwent Police and Keep Wales Tidy to pick litter from the streets of Lansbury Park on 25th. Our community choir started on 21st. We have been set up as an official Litter Picking Hub with Keep Wales Tidy on 28th.


Get help from our CARE Project


Get help with mobile internet data

Baby Items

Get help with caring for your baby/young child

Grief & Bereavement

Get help with our bereavement support service

The Parish Trust is preparing to move to a new location. Please Click Here for full details about our move, and how it affects you.

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