

02921 880 212




Once you have requested help through our telephone support service or through our online support, someone will be in touch with you within as soon as possible (Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm) to confirm your request. It’s really important that we confirm your request with you before we action it, so make sure you give us the correct contact information.



Once everything has been confirmed, sit back and let us take care of the rest. We’ll be delighted to help you with providing you a food parcel, or setting up a time to chat over the phone.

Need help again?

Simply repeat the steps! We’re more than happy to help you as often as you need*. However, if you need more than three food parcels within a calendar year, you will need a referral.

*We reserve the right to cap the number of parcels and/or referrals given to any service user in order to ensure the system is being used correctly and that parity is shown to all service users.


For Service Users…

What is a Referral?

If you receive food parcels from us, you are able to request 3 in any calendar year before you need the support of another organisation in order to continue receiving them...
To continue being able to request food parcels from us after your 3 food parcel limit, you would need to get in touch with one of our referral partners, who will contact us to refer you. They will then give you a referral number which you can use to continue requesting parcels.

How long do referrals last?

Once you have a referral number from one of our partners, the referral will last for 90 days, after which the referral number expires.
We hope that after this point you will find yourself in better circumstances. However, if after 90 days you're still in need of help from us, you can simply ask your referral partner to refer you again. They will issue you with a new referral number and you can continue to request food parcels from us. We reserve the right to monitor the number of referrals a service user has, and limit that number if we feel that the system is being abused.

Where can I get a referral for long term support from the CARE Project?

We have a number of amazing organisations working with us to provide support to those in genuine need. Hover to find out more...
Are you looking for someone to refer you to the CARE Project for long-term support? You've come to the right place...
Find a Referral Partner

For Organisations...

What are Referral Partners?

Referral Partners are professionals and organisations operating in our service areas who can access long term provision of food parcels and emotional support for their clients.
Partnerships with other organisations who have a vision to see positive change in our world is crucial if this vision is to become a reality. We're looking to make connections...
Find out more about partnering with The CARE Project

How can my organisation sign up to be a Referral Partner?

Signing up to be a Referral Partner is an easy process. Simply hover over this box to find out how you can partner with us...

Sign up today

We're always looking for organisations who work in the public and charitable sector to join us in improving people's lives. Our sign up process is simple, so why don't you enrol with us today?
Sign up to be a Referral Partner

What sort of services can we refer people for?

The CARE Project provides food parcels, and an emotional support service...
Service Users need a referral for long term help with food parcels. Referring is optional for our other services, however we do encourage Referral Partners to make referrals for all services as it puts people on our radar, and Referred Service Users are able to gain access to other types of support such as financial assistance if they are eligible, and life skills training.

As professionals and organisations in the local area who come face to face with the people of our communities, you are the people best placed to point people in the right direction when they are in need.

We want to work with local organisations to address need in our communities. A number of organisations can sign up to be a Referral Partner with us…

– Schools / Education Establishments

– Churches / Places of Worship

– Social Services

– Jobcentre

– Local Councillors / MP

– Citizens Advice

– GP Surgeries

– Health Visitors

– Housing Association, Warden of Sheltered/Assisted Housing etc.

– Other charities who help people in need.

This list is non exhaustive.


When it comes to being a Referral Partner with the CARE Project, you will assist us in identifying those who are in need of practical assistance with food, prescription collection and/or pastoral care so that we can help improve their circumstances.

Poverty comes in many different kinds, whether that is financial, mental, emotional, technological, physical, or another type of poverty. Our work is to mitigate against such poverties by addressing the immediate need and then working with service users to prevent their situation getting worse.

As a Referral Partner, you would have access to our online system which would allow you to refer people to us. All referrals will have access to help for 90 days at a time before needing to be referred to us again if their circumstances haven’t improved.

All you need to do is have a chat with potential Service Users during the course of your work, and identify if they are in need of help. If they are, fill in the form and we’ll do the rest! We trust your expertise as the Referral Partner, so there isn’t a complicated eligibility criteria form to go through… you simply make the judgement using your own established systems and methods.


Get help from our CARE Project


Get help with mobile internet data

Baby Items

Get help with caring for your baby/young child

Grief & Bereavement

Get help with our bereavement support service

The Parish Trust is preparing to move to a new location. Please Click Here for full details about our move, and how it affects you.

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