Dear Friends,

As we come together to mark Easter, it’s a time to reflect on the hope that springs from the resurrection of Jesus. For us at The Parish Trust, our mission is deeply tied to this concept of “new life”.

We’re in the business of lifting individuals and communities out of tough situations, giving them the tools and support they need to create a better future. In a way, our work mirrors the message of Easter—we’re all about resurrection and transformation.

The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is like a reset button for humanity. It’s a reminder that no matter how broken things may seem, there’s always the possibility of redemption and renewal. Through his sacrifice, Jesus paid the price for all the wrongs in the world, offering us a chance at a fresh start… if only we trust him.

One verse that captures this idea beautifully is from 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” It’s a powerful reminder that faith in Jesus brings new life and the promise of better things ahead. It speaks to the transformative power of faith, but it also speaks to the universal desire for renewal and growth.

So as we celebrate Easter, let’s carry this message of hope with us and continue to work towards building a brighter, more just world for all, drawing strength from the faith that guides our efforts and the universal hope that Easter represents.

Wishing you a joyful Easter filled with hope and new life.

With my love and prayers,

Rev. Dean Aaron Roberts
Chief Executive Officer

Please note that in order to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and to enjoy the Easter Holidays, The Parish Trust will be closed from Thursday 28th March 2024 and will reopen on Monday 8th April 2024. We wish all our stakeholders and beneficiaries a Happy Easter.

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