We are pleased to publish our latest impact report for the charity for April 2022. We like to keep the General Public informed of our activity so they can see how their donations and time assist us in our charitable aims and objectives.

The CARE Project

The CARE Project didn’t distribute as many food parcels as last month, but this was due to the Easter Break, which saw the charity close for a week to give staff and volunteers a break. Bag a Bargain continued to see increased usage. Anecdotally, more people are reporting that they are now dipping into their savings to meet the cost of living, and cutting down on their outgoings as much as possible. Bag a Bargain helps to do this with regards to food shopping.

  • Parcels Sent out – 126 (-16%)
  • People fed – 341 (-14%)
  • Referrals Received – 5

Other Events/Courses

Our portfolio of events, courses, and clubs through CAM has continued to grow, showing an increase in reach and participation over the last month.

  • Courses/Sessions held – 20
  • People attending events – 231
  • Bags of Litter Collected through Talk n Tidy – 9
  • Yarny Army Knitted Items that have been donated – 347


Our work could not happen without the dedicated crowd of volunteers that make up The Parish Trust Volunteering Family. We are always in need of more volunteers. Perhaps you’re someone who could join the team? This page has everything you need to know…

  • Volunteer Hours Given – 478

New Developments

We had our Volunteer Afternoon Tea on the 1st, which 14 people attended. On the 5th we had our special Easter themed Tommy’s Tots – including an egg hunt and a Teddy Bear picnic! Ellis and Aimee presented at the Ladies Fellowship in Mount Carmel Church Caerphilly.


Get help from our CARE Project


Get help with mobile internet data

Baby Items

Get help with caring for your baby/young child

Grief & Bereavement

Get help with our bereavement support service

The Parish Trust is preparing to move to a new location. Please Click Here for full details about our move, and how it affects you.

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