CARE Project makes News Headlines

Over the last week, the CARE Project has made local and national news, as over 100 volunteers galvanise themselves to join the response effort in tackling the ongoing effects of the Coronavirus Outbreak.

News outlets became interested in the first week of the project’s operations, with the Caerphilly Observer reporting on this vital work.

Since then, ITV Wales interviewed the Reverend Dean Aaron Roberts, the Rector & Vicar, about the work churches are doing in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. Premier Christian Media also published a feature both on radio and online about the CARE Project and the 100 volunteers who are giving their time and energy to provide essential services to those in need. The Church in Wales wrote a Facebook Note and published a Provincial Press Release on the work being undertaken by the CARE Project.

At the time of reporting, the CARE Project have taken over 500 telephone calls and directed service users to one of the five services we offer. Amongst those telephone calls, we have delivered over 120 food parcels and collected over 50 prescriptions.

Partnerships are being strengthened between various organisations and agencies, including a close working relationship Caerphilly County Council as the CARE Project aim to help deliver key services in conjunction with them, as well as local and national businesses and charities in the voluntary sector.

The CARE Project have approached various funding organisations to request grant money in order to sustain and enhance the services we are providing so that they can continue for society’s most vulnerable during and after the Coronavirus Pandemic. The project continues to receive donations of food and money from the public, for which the volunteers are extremely grateful.



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