Merry Christmas!
As I reflect on this special day, I find myself thinking back to our Carols in the Car Park event. Watching over 200 people sing “Ding Dong Merrily on High” was an incredible moment. The joyful refrain of “Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis” filled the air, creating a wall of sound that resonated deeply.
We even had people who turned up simply because they heard the singing a mile or so away, and followed the sound to us! It wasn’t just the beauty of the music or the togetherness of the occasion that struck me, but the deeper truth behind the words—a proclamation of joy, hope, and glory. It was particularly poignant for us as the event marked both an end, and a beginning – the end of our time at St. Thomas’ Church, and the start of whatever comes next… and yet, the message of Christmas is enduring, and unchanging. That is such a comfort to me.
Seeing children running and laughing as the carols played reminded me of the heart of Christmas: the gift of Jesus, God’s Son, who came into the world as a child. His birth is the ultimate gift to humanity, a sign of God’s love and light breaking through the darkness. Christmas celebrates this miraculous moment—God with us—bringing joy and hope that transcends time and circumstances – even the circumstances of a charity having to find a new home.
At The Parish Trust, this message of hope lies at the heart of our mission. Jesus’ life and teachings inspire us to serve others, to care for the vulnerable, and to share love in practical ways. Whether we’re supporting families, comforting those who are struggling, or building community, we are living out the call to bring life in all its fullness to everyone. And we will continue to do so, whatever the circumstance.
Christmas is a time to pause and reflect on this incredible gift—of Jesus coming to earth to bring us everlasting life and friendship with God. It’s a time for remembering the things we are all desperate for: love, joy, and peace – things that were so important to Jesus. It’s also a time to think about how we can share these sought after virtues with others, not just through words but through acts of service, generosity, and compassion.
As you celebrate today, my prayer is that you too will come to know and value the gift of Jesus, who brings light, hope, and joy into the world. May you know His peace, His love, and the comfort of His presence in your life. Whether life is going great for you, or today is a day where your struggles seem to be in sharp focus, God is only a prayer away, and The Parish Trust wishes to offer you a hand of friendship, and willingness to help in whatever way we can.
From all of us at The Parish Trust, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with hope and opportunity.
Wishing you every blessing, and with all my love,