The Parish Trust Introduces Roll of Honour to Recognise Significant Contributions to the Charity

The Parish Trust is delighted to introduce our new Roll of Honour, an initiative designed to recognise and celebrate the exceptional dedication of those who support our charity in a significant way. This Roll of Honour honours not only our volunteers but also any individual, group, or organisation/business that has gone above and beyond in their commitment to our mission of enabling people to live life more fully.

Recognising Exceptional Contributions

The Roll of Honour includes a special Volunteer Roll of Honour featuring three categories that acknowledge different levels of commitment:

  • Bronze Award: 500 hours of volunteer service
  • Silver Award: 1,000 hours of volunteer service
  • Gold Award: 2,000 hours of volunteer service

Volunteers who achieve these milestones will receive a lapel pin badge to mark their accomplishment. Their names will also be displayed on our website—unless they opt out—so we can publicly acknowledge their remarkable contributions. Additionally, we will review past records to identify and honour those who have already met these milestones.

A Broader Commitment to Recognising Supporters

The Roll of Honour is part of The Parish Trust’s broader commitment to honouring and recognising everyone who significantly contributes to our charity. Whether they are volunteers, individual supporters, groups, or businesses, we believe that all contributions should be acknowledged.

We have developed a suite of resources to support this, including:

  • Recognition events
  • Ongoing training opportunities
  • New experiences
  • A holiday scheme specifically for volunteers

The Roll of Honour adds another layer to this commitment, ensuring that the extraordinary efforts of our supporters do not go unnoticed.

Rev. Dean Aaron Roberts, Chief Executive Officer of The Parish Trust, shared his thoughts on this new initiative:

“Recognising the hard work and dedication of all who support The Parish Trust is a core value of ours. The Roll of Honour is just one of the many ways we express our gratitude. By offering a variety of resources and recognition opportunities, we aim to make involvement with us a truly rewarding experience.”

The Power of Support

The success of The Parish Trust relies on the collective efforts of everyone who supports us. Last year, our volunteers alone contributed over 5,000 hours of service, saving the charity more than £86,000 in costs. These immense contributions allow us to extend our reach and provide more support to those who need it most. Our supporters are the driving force behind everything we do, and their efforts have a profound impact on our community.

Carrie Gealy, Youth and Children’s Programme Manager, spoke about the value of community support:

“Being part of The Parish Trust is not just about giving time; it’s about being part of a community and making a real difference. Our supporters gain so much in return, from new skills and experiences to lasting friendships. We’re proud to offer a range of resources that make supporting us both enjoyable and meaningful. As the person who heads up youth volunteering in the charity, I am particularly glad that we are creating initiatives that honour people who step out to make a difference.”

The Importance of Tracking Contributions

To ensure that contributions are accurately recorded, The Parish Trust uses dedicated software to track volunteer hours and other significant contributions. This system is essential for maintaining accurate records and ensuring that everyone receives the recognition they deserve. We encourage all supporters to use this system consistently so that their hard work is fully acknowledged.

Nerys Beckett, CARE Project Lead, highlighted the importance of this process:

“Accurate tracking of volunteer hours and contributions is key to recognising the incredible dedication of our supporters. By using our tracking system, we can ensure that every hour and every effort is counted and celebrated. Within the CARE Project alone there are over 100 volunteers registered, and every one of them adds something valuable to the work of the charity—we don’t want a minute to go to waste, as we are grateful for all the time that is given to us and the work we do.”

Celebrating Dedication Across the Board

We hope that the Roll of Honour will be a meaningful addition to The Parish Trust’s efforts to support and celebrate all who contribute to our work. By recognising significant milestones, we both honour those who have made significant contributions and inspire others to join us in our work.

If you believe you, your group, or someone you know has made a significant contribution, please get in touch.

For more information about the Roll of Honour please see our dedicated page.


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