Summer of Fun for Children and Young People to be hosted at The Parish Trust

As Wales continues to recover from the social, emotional, and physical impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the wellbeing of children and young people remains a top priority. Over the course of the summer, The Parish Trust will be hosting a free Summer of Fun packed full of activities, thanks to support from Caerphilly County Borough Council and the Welsh Government.

The Summer of Fun initiative aims to support the social, emotional, and physical wellbeing of all children and young people. With financial investment from the Welsh Government, The Parish Trust will be hosting its own Summer of Fun based at its headquarters in Trethomas, and will be delivered through a variety of community-based interactive, creative, and play-based initiatives that are suitable for a wide range of ages. Through this initiative, The Parish Trust will create safe places for free play and physical activity where children and young people can develop and rebuild their social skills. The Summer of Fun at The Parish Trust will be one of many programmes taking place all over Wales as part of the Welsh Government’s commitment to invest in children and young people as part of its COVID-19 recovery package.

All the activities will be free of charge, in order to support our young people and help families across our community with the rising cost of living over the summer months.

Young people will also have the opportunity to volunteer with the charity and gain valuable experience and life skills, whilst contributing hours towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award, Welsh Baccalaureate, or another award scheme which requires the individual to undertake volunteering duties as part of their assessment. Volunteering opportunities will involve working on the charity’s mobile Coffee Bar, Caffi Caredig, as well as manning the various activities, stewarding and first aid, and administrative roles.

Some of the activities that The Parish Trust will be hosting during the Summer of Fun are:

  • Messy Play Sessions
  • Circus Skills
  • Big Games (Bouncy Castle, Ping Pong, Swingball, etc)
  • Film Nights
  • Silent Discos

Commenting on the announcement, Rev. Dean Aaron Roberts, Founder and Chair of Trustees said,

As a Board of Trustees, we are extremely proud that The Parish Trust is in a position to offer, through the help of Caerphilly County Borough Council and The Welsh Government, a fun-packed programme of activities as part of the Wales-wide Summer of Fun initiative. As a charity, we are acutely aware of how the last two years have disadvantaged children and young people in so many ways. This initiative is about making up for those losses by allowing families to come together to take part in a range of recreational activities at no cost to them. We feel privileged to be trusted with the responsibility of hosting a Summer of Fun here at our headquarters, and it is our honest hope that this will be the catalyst for The Parish Trust to deliver a comprehensive programme of activities for children and youth on a permanent basis in the near future.

A full timetable of events and activities will be published in the coming weeks, and will be advertised via Caerphilly Council’s website and social media pages as well as through the various channels of communication adopted by The Parish Trust.

For any enquiries, including press, please contact us.


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