The Parish Trust is continually seeking to be completely open and transparent about how we operate, what we achieve, and how we spend our money. To this end, we are now starting to share monthly impact reports compiled by Aimee, one of our Community Workers, which we hope will be of interest to The General Public. They aim to be short and snappy, to show you the real, felt impact that the Charity has had on the ground. They are, however, by no means an exhaustive reference to everything we have achieved, but rather some edited highlights.

The CARE Project

The CARE Project continued to be busy during January – we tend to see a sharp increase in usage of the CARE Project during the Christmas period which sustains through the early months of the year, with many un-referred service users seeking help due to the extra strain on finances after the Christmas holidays.

  • Parcels Sent out – 156
  • People fed – 475
  • Referrals Received – 19

Other Events/Courses

Now that COVID-19 related restrictions are gradually ebbing away, The Parish Trust is looking to increase its provision with it being easier to hold in person events and open up our building.

  • Courses/Sessions held – 8
  • People attending events – 139


Our work could not happen without the dedicated crowd of volunteers that make up The Parish Trust Volunteering Family.

  • Volunteer Hours Given – 578
  • New Volunteers – 7
  • Regular Volunteers (volunteering at least once a month) – 140

New Developments

A new initiative, Talk n Tidy, which aims to reduce litter in our service area, was started this month. We are already working in a multi-agency fashion with organisations such as Keep Wales Tidy and also the local council. This is part of our CAM Provision – a suite of clubs, events, and courses that are provided to The General Public.

  • Bags of Litter collected – 18

Please note that in order to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and to enjoy the Easter Holidays, The Parish Trust will be closed from Thursday 28th March 2024 and will reopen on Monday 8th April 2024. We wish all our stakeholders and beneficiaries a Happy Easter.

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