Bws Gwennol Cymunedol

Mae Bws Gwennol Cymunedol Ymddiriedolaeth y Plwyf yn wasanaeth di-elw sy’n ceisio ymateb i’r anghenion a deimlir gan drigolion lleol yn ardal Caerffili sy’n cael problemau gyda chael mynediad at wasanaethau cyhoeddus.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae Ymddiriedolaeth y Plwyf yn darparu gwasanaeth bws gwennol i’w roi i’r cyhoedd yn yr ardal leol mynediad i iechyd . Hwylusir hyn trwy gynnig gwasanaeth bws gwennol uniongyrchol rhwng canol tref Caerffili ac Ysbyty Athrofaol y Grange.

Why should I use it?

The service is a direct route to the hospital, it takes a shorter time than using other public transport, and it is cheaper than other options currently available.

When does the shuttle bus run?

The service is a pilot scheme running for 6 months from December 2021. During this period, the service will be monitored to see how well it is used by the general public. If the demand is there, we will look to continue the service into the future and expand it if appropriate. Therefore, it is vital that the general public help us by using the service, else it will be taken away after the pilot period concludes.

What days and times does the shuttle bus run?

The Shuttle Bus runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The shuttle bus will make multiple round trips during the days of operation between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm

The Timetable is as follows:


Where does the shuttle bus stop?

The Bus stops will be in the following locations:

Outward Service (to the Hospital)

  • Caerphilly - Castle Court Bandstand
  • Bedwas - Council Offices
  • Trethomas - Tyn yn y Pwll
  • Machen - Dranllwyn Lane
  • The Royal Gwent Hospital
  • The Grange University Hospital

Returning Service

  • The Grange University Hospital
  • The Royal Gwent Hospital
  • Machen - Machen Primary School
  • Trethomas - The Square
  • Bedwas - Council Offices
  • Caerphilly - Castle Court Bandstand
Who is eligible to use the Shuttle Bus?

Any member of the public needing direct access to hospital can use this service. Those accompanying patients/visitors are also able to use the service.

Are wheelchair users able to use the service?

Unfortunately, the minibus is not equipped to load wheelchairs and so we are unable to transport wheelchair users. Limited space on the minibus is available for walking sticks.

What is the cost?

The cost is a flat rate of £3.75 per passenger, per single trip, regardless of where you are going. This is simply to cover costs, but is still competitive in price and efficiency.

Do I have to book?

Yes. Pre booking is essential so as to make the service run as efficiently as possible. Booking can be done using our online booking system below, or by telephoning the charity office on 02921 880 212 (option 1)

Sylwer, er mwyn dathlu atgyfodiad Iesu ac i fwynhau Gwyliau’r Pasg, bydd Ymddiriedolaeth y Plwyf ar gau  o ddydd Iau 28 Mawrth 2024 a bydd yn ailagor ddydd Llun 8 Ebrill 2024. Rydym yn dymuno Pasg Hapus i’n holl randdeiliaid a buddiolwyr.

Derbyn y newyddion diweddaraf

Tanysgrifiwch i'n Cylchlythyr!

Rhowch eich gwybodaeth isod i gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf…


Pa wefan ydych chi'n ceisio ymweld â hi?